It's like a visiting ninjutsu master told me, "When you get it, you'll start to see the opponent in your mind, then the dance will have meaning."

Because I have only a little skill, I only got it after decades of hard work.

When I could finally put feeling into any part of the blade at will, I found I could also feel the opponent's sword, such that the position of their body became clear in my mind.

When the judges asked me why I had altered a movement I replied "Because the opponent is in a different position."

To which the judges replied: "What opponent?"


A Shaolin Monk, a Taoist Priest and a Rabbi walk into a bar. You gotta love New York.


Chuck Norris was once asked why he never travelled to Wudang mountain and he replied "Bruce Lee didn't fight with swords."


The Great Wudang Master was asked what weapon was most effective. She replied, "The pen, but cameras ain't bad either."


The Bagua Master was asked what surface was best for practicing. He replied, "Slick flagstone, after the rain."

The students, ever scientific, retorted "But there would be no traction, which is a suboptimal condition for any movement or application, because of the difficulty of maintaining root."

The Master replied, "That's why it's the best."


The Sanshou Master was asked why he was smiling while pushing with the students of a colleague, when their teacher was scowling.

He replied, "She's scowling because of how poorly you're doing, I'm smiling because of how well you've been taught."


The Real Internal Boxer was asked why he didn't like to go push hands circles.

He replied: "Because everyone there treats me as an equal, so I don't learn anything and I can't teach anyone."


Chan rules for Push Hands Exercise:

"Don't use brute force or there are no rules."

WHACK! Amituofo!
