About the Instructor


Michael is a classically trained, acknowledged Wudang master with 35 years of experience training and teaching. 


He began formal study with Bow Sim Mark (麦宝) in Tai Chi Chuan and jiàn (剑 “straight sword”) at Boston University from 1990 to 1993. Classes were conducted three days per week for two hours. As one of a small number of students who stayed after to practice in the open gym, Michael was introduced to Five Elements Hsingyi, Fu style Bagua, and the modern Wudang fencing that comes down from General Li Jinglin (李景林) via Fu Wingfay (傅永) and “Flying Dragon SwordLi Tianji (李天).


After graduation, Michael matriculated to the Chinese Wushsu Research Institute (CWRI) in Boston, attending classes 6 days per week and training an average of 5 hours per day.  He served as a junior instructor under the supervision of Bow Sim Mark from 1993 to 2000, conducting Shaolin classes at CWRI, and children’s and adult beginner’s classes at area Taiwanese and Mainland Chinese schools. After 4 years of travel, he returned to CWRI from 2004 to 2015 to resume his duties, eventually serving as a senior instructor specializing in straight sword. 


He led the CWRI performance team in the 1990’s, and from the mid-2000’s onward. Rehearsing and exhibiting regularly alongside Bow Sim Mark, he has appeared on national television in the US and the PRC, and major venues in Boston, including the Emerson Majestic.


Michael received early coaching at CWRI in Wushu, jiàn, and Northern Shaolin from Sifu Nick Gracenin (“senior kungfu brother”), applications, fighting spirit, and oxtail saber from Sifu Rick Wong (“senior kungfu brother”), and detailed instruction from various visiting masters including Victor Fu Shenglong (“kungfu uncle”), Siu Yin Mark (“kungfu auntie”), and Xia Bohua (夏柏), a key figure in the development of modern Sanshou, whom he had the privilege to push with for 3 minutes 30 years ago and still remembers vividly. 


Michael received coaching from numerous student/masters at CWRI over three decades, most notably Bill the Baker, JDP, Buddy Tripp, Si Hing Eric, and his two senior martial sisters, Jean Lukitsch, MSN, RN and Dr. Cecilia Wong, PhD.


He received instruction in advanced self-defense, applications and strategy over a period of 5 years at C.W.R.I. from Shannon Kawika Phelps, Instructor, SEALS.


In the mid 2010’s he returned to his home state of Maryland, attending DC Tai Chi for advanced instruction from Nick Gracenin, with focus on internal methods, applications, sword art, martial history, martial theory, and approaches to contemporary teaching.


Michael was encouraged to choreograph by Bow Sim Mark, beginning with drunken boxing, the original internal martial art. Inspired by her special sword forms, he travelled to the mountains of New Hampshire to study privately with Taoist Sword Master Zhou Xuan Yun, who grew up at Wudang Mountain, to deepen his understanding of the traditional internal sword art.

He has received additional coaching in martial application, strategy and fight choreography from John Salvitti, a trailblazer in the integration of Brazilian Ju Jitsu into cinema.

Michael was introduced to the fundamentals of Brazilian Ju Jitsu under Matt Anderson at Urban Boxing, Bethesda, and currently studies American Boxing under master coach Randolph Kennedy, student of Olympic medalist Charles Mooney, who was invited by Beijing to coach the China Olympic Boxing Team.




Shoutout to first big brother DY for those

illuminating conversations on the arts
when you were young and hungry

those few weeks in Brentwood.



Shoutout to first big little sis CY

for all the years of support, validation,

insight, vision and drive.





Shoutout to little bros and sis

Leo, Ray-ray, Bighead & Vic

for making teaching such a joy

when I returned from my

sojourn in the West.




Shoutout to all the students from CWRI in Boston over the years

and all the teachers around the world.



Shoutout to Yen-ah.

Thanks for teaching me how to order,

the most useful of my skills.



From Left: Michael, Rick, Bill, DK, Bobbie, Jean,
JDP, Sifu, Nima, Nick and Pat Lybarger,
who managed the school for Sifu.


From Left: Sije Jean, Michael, Donnie, Mr. Yen, Sifu





Michael’s golden gloves Grandpa Bobby teaching the sweet science
in the DC area in the 1950’s.


A person holding two spears

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Michael, Double Wudang Jian, Barnsdall Art Park, Los Feliz (age 54)



A person in white clothes holding a fan and standing on one leg

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Michael, Jian & Fan, Barnsdall Art Park (age 54)



A person holding a sword

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Michael, Bagua Great Saber (age 54)








Michael has been a Túdì (徒弟 "apprentice") of Bow Sim Mark for nearly his entire adult life. After graduating from Boston University with a degree in Classical Studies, he had a successful career in computing, most notably with Veritas Technologies, before renouncing wealth in order to pursue the Way.


He has studied the Chinese classics including 三國演義, 水滸傳, 西遊記, the works of 金庸, and is a fan of Tang Dynasty poetry. In his limited spare time, he enjoys playing music, and occasionally indulges in visual art, recreational math, and partisan sequential non-chance perfect information games.


Like his Sifu, Michael is committed to health, wellness, continual self-cultivation and the practical application of non-violence.  We consider the highest expression of our art to be the fine art of performance, which connects people, and brings light, joy and wonder to the world.